My Story

(written in 2012 – Other Crimes/Updates & Current Charges can be accessed via the menu)

I wanted to write a blog about what I went through in order to encourage others, process it all, and finally let go of the past.

I was married to a man who has worked for various ministries for years, and to this day still designs websites for several of them. I have been unable to write about this up till now because the charges had been filed but he had not gone to trial yet. Just recently he entered a guilty plea and is a registered sex offender for life in the state of Missouri.

Mark and I had a rough marriage to say the least, he was abusive. He would push me, restrain me, spit in my face, rip the phone out of the wall, manually twist my ankles, slam various body parts in the doors.  Once he tried to run me over with a car.  It all started with “accidentally” hurting me when he was angry. More frequently he would dismantle the computer, rip the phone out of the wall, and leave in our only vehicle, so I couldn’t contact anyone and was stranded in our country home with the little ones. The list goes on and on.  Yes, I left him, took the children, got restraining orders, and helped prosecute him twice, (he plead guilty both times). He always wanted his family back together and the 2nd time completed anger management, counseling and a domestic violence series at our local church. It was a full year before I was willing to try living together again. When we moved back in together I am amazed to say the physical abuse stopped… for the last 2 years he was not physically violent.  The emotional abuse, name calling, and gaslighting never stopped.  He did his absolute best to convince me I was “crazy” and “delusional”.

Then one night I got up in the middle of the night to grab a bite, something I frequently did after nursing our baby.   My 6th grade daughter was waiting terrified in the kitchen. She told me she was afraid to come into my room because her dad was in there sleeping.  She had told me that her dad came and made her fondle him. She described “it” in detail, what it felt like… She was so scared, I will never forget the look in her eyes that night.  She had been pacing the kitchen close to an hour trying to figure out that to do, while he had climbed back in bed and fallen asleep. I called the police.

We sat outside so as not to wake him. The police came and arrested him. He called from the jail and tried to convince me he didn’t do anything, (he later pled guilty).  I was wife number 2, and our marriage lasted almost 7 years. Wife number 1 also divorced him due to a sex crime.  Later I was in contact with other women who had knowledge of previous sexual allegations but at that time I already knew he was guilty.   I will outline those items on another page as the information came from other women and are not really a part of my story.

You see Mark Kingsbury is a very good looking charismatic man. He was working in the ministry at the time, but behind closed doors he lied constantly… even about things that didn’t matter.  Looking back, I can honestly say the only genuine emotion I saw out of him in private was anger, he is an performer through and through. In public he was lovely. I never saw him give a sermon where he didn’t cry… he always seemed so caring to others, when they were around to see it. Even his mother once said he’s an actor and it’s true. Something is very broken in him.

The next 24 hours after I called the police were a whirlwind. We went to the child advocacy center and they interviewed my 2 girls. I was so proud of my eldest who had not only told me what happened, but was determined to make sure it didn’t happen to anyone else. My 3 year old said some questionable things about him, but they did not push. They are not allowed to ask direct questions to children at that age and she left thinking it was a really fun place.  The advocates were wonderful. That same day we got child protective order from the courthouse, which they kept open late just for us. We went to the bank and closed the joint account. I was then a stay at home mom, with 3 children and $400 dollars to my name and found out he hadn’t paid bills in 2 months.   I had no family or friends in the area, it was terrifying but I never looked back.

The next couple weeks just surviving was the goal. When I wasn’t loving and playing with my 3 children I was trying to figure out what to do next. I had so much support from my out of state family and friends. I contacted a couple local organizations and they helped with paying my rent for 2 months. God really watched out for us, through a large distance in miles they banded together in an amazing way.

My 11 year old and I were having nightmares all the time. We lived in the country, no other houses in sight.  When he was released on $100,000 bond, I knew I had to do something to keep us safe. I sold most everything, put his stuff in a storage unit, paid for 2 months and mailed him the key. I wasn’t trying to be nice exactly, but hauling it all to the dump would have been costly. I needed all the resources I had to get us out of there, I packed up our most important personal items and shipped them by container to a storage facility in Washington state.

We moved into a domestic violence shelter. I applied for free legal assistance for the divorce and was denied because there was not an available lawyer at the time, I filed an appeal and it worked. I got a lawyer and was divorced in a couple months. Mark was not allowed ANY contact with the children, and if I die… my will is to specify who they go to. I purchased a do it yourself will kit and immediately handled that too.  The shelter was amazing. There my daughter and I got counseling and felt safe for the 1st time in months. She was able to finish out the school year at her old school and I got a job offer in Washington state. I purchased plane tickets so we could leave when my 11 year old was done with the year. It was a real time of healing for us.

It was really hard to leave our home in the country. We had a 2000 sq ft house on 5 acres with a creek running through the property. It was set up for kids with a trampoline, slides, and swings. My daughter was in an incredible school with friends who were nothing short of amazing. She gave up so much and she knew this was going to take a long time to go to trial… we didn’t know how long though. One of the hardest things moving so far away from Mark’s first family. His ex-wife and I had built a relationship and though they were 4 hours away, the kids and I spent holidays with them before we moved. The little ones don’t remember their dad but they miss their brothers to this day. That man had 2 amazing families, and he wrecked them both times because of his sexual problems. One thing I will say for the guy though, he makes amazing babies.

We stayed with friends when we got to Washington. I found a job and apartment in the Olympia area. I am not making loads of money but we are making it… I was on public assistance for a couple months but have left that behind.  I’ve been working almost a year now . Our apartment is perfect, it’s tiny but it is in an amazing little neighborhood where the kids have friends and is very family oriented. Kids are in a great school district too. It has sure been a long haul but I feel like we have really built a new life here, and we are all so happy.

UPDATE: We went back to Missouri a couple weeks ago for Marks’s trial. 2 days before it was to begin he entered a guilty plea. My daughter is now 13 and I made sure she was able to be in the room to hear it. After all the paperwork, preparation, and depositions throughout these 2 years. She deserved to have that moment. So, it is over… my children are protected and the man who hurt them is a registered sex offender for life (see Missouri Highway Patrol website).

UPDATE II: I have worked full time for 10+ years now, raising these awesome kids on my own.  They are all intelligent, kind and empathetic.  The child who was victimized is doing amazing.  She is a strong adult woman who travels the world and works in exotic locations.  I love the way she lives her life, but even more the person she has become.  The “littles” aren’t so little anymore and they amaze me every day.  After being so taken in by Mark, I have no desire to remarry until my children are grown.  Even though every other man I have dated was a good one, I am very happy single and focusing on these wonderful kids, my life is full.  They know age appropriate information about their bio-dad.  We have also kept in touch with their brother from wife #1 and he is incredible too!

Mark does not provide for his children, God is the father that provides.

Other pages on this website have been added to provide information on other crimes and updates.

22 thoughts on “My Story

  1. Ms. TERRY L SNOOK says:

    God bless you and thank you for sharing your story. I knew of Mark Kingsbury when he was in high school in Topeka Ks. He raped my sister and threatened her life if she screamed out. Unfortunately i was in the next room and sleeping due to i was working the night shift as a cna at a local hospital. So yes i am familiar with this mans or cowardly sob.
    Keep your faith, be strong, continue your education and i recommend you have your names changed.

    • moonlithe says:

      I am so sorry that happened to your sister, my heart aches for her. It scares me to think what he is capable of. We have been divorced 8 years now, and have had no contact. My younger children will not grow up with the trauma that comes from knowing him. They are very safe, and protected in ways I cannot post. I’m sure there are more untold stories out there. My eldest will carry the scars always, but they have only made her more of a fighter. I hope it was the same for your sister.

    • Rose says:

      I am the mother of two adult children who were abused by Mark when they were very young. This happened when his family were living in New Jersey in the early 80’s. His mother Esther and father Dwayne worked in the church’s daycare school. I wish I could talk to someone who was abused by this monster. My children were so young and their lives have been so affected by the abuse they went through especially my daughter.
      Please I don’t know how to contact anyone. I will check back on this blog to see if there are any responses. May God bless you all.

      • moonlithe says:

        Rose, please email me at Put “Word Press” in the subject line. It is not a current email account so I only get notifications from this site. This is definitely the same Mark that I was married too. I knew his parents well. I can’t believe how many victims he had, it breaks my heart.

    • moonlithe says:

      I am so sorry Terry. I hate that he has hurt so many people. The justice system just hasn’t been able to put him away. I wonder how many more victims are out there. He just remarried last year, for the 3rd time. Things are likely starting to go bad for her, if the past is any indication. Hope your sister is doing well.

  2. Jeff says:

    I am amazed at your story. I just spent a weekend with some performers up in Iowa and had ridden with Mark up there and back and we got along great and I thought I had made a new friend. He filmed the event we were doing in Iowa and I was going to hire him to film a video for my wife and I, but after reading your story we definitely can’t use him. I am always willing to listen to both sides of a story and give a man the benefit of the doubt, but there is no reason a man would plead guilty to this if he wasn’t. Thank you for sharing and I am so very sorry for what happened to you and your family and to everybody that was hurt by him. Gld bless and best of luck in your future.

    • moonlithe says:

      Thank you Jeff. My daughter went through 2 years of depositions before he pled guilty, 2 days before his trial was to start. He is a registered sex offender, but got only probation. Today, she is a lovely young adult and hopes that her bravery at speaking up will have saved others. He is unbelievably charming and I loved him with my whole heart. I completely understand the pull he has, but I am so glad you decided to protect yourself and your loved ones.

    • Rose says:

      Both of my children were sexually abused by this monster. They r in their 40’s. His disgusting sick acts of abuse has scarred her forever.
      He is Satan in disguise.

  3. rubypearl says:

    I heard from a friend that Mark is married again and singing in a gospel group now. I wonder if they know about all of this.

    • Rose says:

      I am the mother of two adult children who were sexually abused by mark when they were very young. I have been trying to reach Destiny to discuss. I had a different email 2 years ago when we were supposed to talk. If there is any way this can be passed on to her please do so.

    • moonlithe says:

      I think convinces people he was falsely accused. I live on the West Coast but I hear things every now and then. He did get married to wife #3 last year. Hopefully if things get bad, she will google him, (I know I did). I just couldn’t believe he had no criminal history. Now he is a registered sex offender singing with a gospel group, always sticks with ministry work and side gigs.

      • still in shock says:

        #3 already knew ALL his history before she married him. She has read the blog. I used to be a good friend of hers,( or so I thought)…by the time his little narcisistic rear got done separating her from all friends who cared (I believe the term was “Fake Friends”) She & her family completely bought in to HIS story and will preach that he is a forgiven Christian (not sure why that is their message if hes done nothing wrong but….). Yes they both sing with a gospel quartet and I keep waiting for the truth to come out….I will not do it as Branson is a very small town…..I am so sorry all of you had to endure everything this “thing” put you thru…All I lost was what I thought was a precious friend to his lies and manipulation (satan is pretty crafty) ….cant imagine what these girls have gone thru….praying for you all and wife #3 …I believe she is gonna need it

      • moonlithe says:

        I am so sorry you lost a friend, I was doing an update about his current felony charge/other crimes and saw your comment. Being married to him means separating from your true support system. I had really hoped, when I made this site, that it would be a warning to others. Part of me is shocked that #3 saw this site and still married him, but I know firsthand how he operates and how convincing his “love” is. I work with teenagers who have made bad choices and see them change and turn their lives around. He was 44 when we divorced though and these were not “mistakes”. A man who can commit violent sex crimes against women and molest children for 35+ does not have a normal brain. I found out this year that he has been molesting children since he was a teenager. Likely he has gotten smarter and more careful, but hopefully with the knowledge of his past she will take more notice of red flags. I truly hope she doesn’t waste years of her life, nobody deserves to be married to this evil man. Please keep praying for her, she needs it.

        On a side note it is looking like he may do time for failure to pay child support. That should be a huge red flag to any woman, especially since it’s a felony. So weird that he maintains the same pattern, but it works for him. Younger Christian wife each time and continues working in the ministry. At least this job isn’t working with children.

    • moonlithe says:

      That is all true. He has continued in the ministry, and his wife is aware of his past, I am told. I would consider contacting his employer but I worry his next job might be working in a church again. Access to children is so easy when you are in a position of authority. My guess is he has lied about what happened. He is a registered sex offender in Missouri so they have to know something. I’m sorry I didn’t see your message before now, I just posted an update today.

  4. Rose Rispoli says:

    Of course it was the same Mark Kingsbury. We were supposed to speak on the telephone about the incident but I had changed my email carrier and couldn’t get in touch with you. I sure pray that your daughter is doing fine. My daughter still has flashbacks from Mark’s rape and cruelty. He is the demon in disguise!!!! He also threatened my son that he would kill him if he said anything. I know his father Dwayne passed. I wonder if his mother was told and if she believed you. What about his beautiful sister Christina? If you want to reach out to me please send me an email. God bless you.

    • moonlithe says:

      No, his side of the family never reached out after he went to jail. I moved out of state 6 months later. I sent his parents a letter telling them, right after everything went down. They never reached out to Mark’s child from his first wife either though, I was number 2. Hard to believe it’s been 11 years now since the divorce.

  5. Rose says:

    I think it should be made known what Mark has done. He has destroyed so many lives.
    Who knows if he won’t sexually abuse another innocent victim?
    The sadistic sick sexual hunger to take advantage of innocent children to satisfy his insatiable appetite should be made known.
    I saw him on Facebook recently singing about the Lord. Mark is a phony monster.

    • M says:

      Went to college with him. My friend dated him and at the very least he was very controlling and had anger issues

      • Rose says:

        I just saw your message tonight. Who is writing this? I’d like to text you further.

  6. tiffanymareee says:

    I heard he was let go from his position singing in the local gospel group because he started getting verbally aggressive with the other group members. It seems he is no longer singing on the worship team for his church, however, they still let him work the sound board in the back. I heard the current pastor is aware of his “past”. The former pastor found out about his past and allegedly removed him from the platform and didn’t allow him to serve at the church. Not sure why the current pastor isn’t doing more to protect his flock from this dangerous person. I really hope his wife is doing alright. She’s such a nice person. I see her post photos with him online, but no one really knows the full story.

    • Rose says:

      he really belongs in prison. A person like him never changes. His sick,evil appetite to sexually abuse his victims will take over every time. My daughter and son are in their late 40’s and still suffer because of what Mark did to them when they were very young. My daughter has had 2 failed suicide attempts. My son has anger issues. Mark is an evil monster.
      Does anyone know where he currently works?

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